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 Language Doctor

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The presentation needs to go well. You feel really confident in the content, you know what message you want to get across.

If only it wasn't in English...

You only get one chance to make a first impression.


Not all meetings are held in a Board Room. Not every meeting has a formal agenda.


But for every meeting there is an objective, a result you want to achieve.


From a one page press release to a multi-page sales pitch, documents are the printed face of your company.

Are you sure that every English document you produce gives the right impression of you and your organisation?

Social Media

Have you ever suffered from "Twitter Finger" or "Facebook Fail"? 

Simple mistakes can have enormous consequences.

You've posted to social media and then your phone starts going crazy with contacts criticising your post or pointing out the spelling errors...


You've worked like a slave to get the document ready in English.

Now it's time for a fresh pair of eyes to give it the once over.

Proofreading will eliminate misspellings, typographical and punctuation errors.


You've got all the information and data together. You've written your document - but you still have that nagging feeling that it's not quite hitting the mark.

It's time for some editing - maybe some substantial revisions for clarity, readability, tone and flow.

Post-editing of Machine Translation

Machine translators (such as Google Translate or Bing Microsoft Translator) are a fantastic and convenient resource.

But do you really trust that they are good enough for your business critical documents?

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